Capacity Building STAN 2012
7:04:00 PM
September, 18th- 25th 2012
My beloved college bring something new to our curriculum. Unlike my former senior, in this year after finishing the report and before graduation, there're an event called Capacity Building. Of course some of us (including me) complaining about this new regulation. Its only several days before graduation and it held in Markas Kopassus Cijantung. Yes we will be trained by the army. Say hello to sunlight !
This event split us into 3 part. Me along with Titik, Uma, Ratih, Hesna, Atang, Rizka, Hendik was at second part. The first part mostly consist of Jakarta residence, because they will be facing Pilkada in the next week. The second part consist of random residence and the third part mostly consist of balinese.
From the first part-er we knew the tips and trick in facing this capacity building. And to my surprise, most of them loved this event so much. It somehow bring out some spirit in me. Hahahaha
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Capacity Building STAN 2012 - first arrived |
After passing a medical test a day before, at September 18th we gathered in Lapangan A STAN, fully packed and ready. You name it your self, lots of bright shirt, training pants, pentofel, sport shoes, black and white uniform, hat, sunblock, hahaha. At first im using suitcase for everything i packed, but since Silmi said they didn't let us dragging the suitcase so i borrowed Uma's bag. But it turns out that they were okay with the suitcase. errrrrr -_____ -
It was so old time when we did the departure ceremony. It feels like Dinamika-the orientation again. The boys were bald and all of us were neatly uniform. And even in this very first event, i was so tired. Cant stand the sunlight, ugh. But Thank God i was standing still event when lots of student fainted. In this event we're in lined per class, and class lined per kompi. There're 3 kompi which is NAGARA, DANA and RAKCA. But to simplify we used kompi A, B and C instead. And i was in Kompi C, KOMPI CHARLIE ! hehe
From our college we went to Markas Kopassus (Makopasus) by bus and...they dropped us miles away from Makopasus. Okay, that was hyperbolic. Haha But they did dropped us on the road and suffer us by had to brought the bag/suitcases until Makopasus. Anyway, on our way, a soldier was kind enough to help me with bringing my bag. I was so tired..i walk in the backmost ! But the cowad, female army, stopped him and i got to brought my bag again. huhu~ But thank you anyway. hehe
We became the central attention that day since we walk in a big group, same uniform and..accompanied by army and the marching band ! hohoho
In front of Nanggala Building-a big hall of theirs, we gathered and got the first introduction from them. We also choose the Komandan Kompi (Danki) and Komandan Pleton (Danton). For Kompi C the Danki is Prasetyan Hatmojo, the mix in one person. He had lived in Palembang, Bandung and Malang. So nice to met someone i could speak sundanese with. hehe And the Danton for Pleton 1, which is my pleton, is Adityo Prabowo..a very cute yet friendly person. The kind of person you'd love to talk with, Since the girls often lined in the front and since i was the Penjuru (a person in the rightmost), those Danki and Danton, beside Vida my baby and Dimar, was the one i talked mostly with. Both of them are Bea Cukai-ers, so i feel glad to know so much about those Bea Cukai from them. :)
Oh, the Danton 2 was Hamdi, the funny and fierce-look but care inside-person. Danton 3 was Rudi, the magical Rudi, all hair him for the dance ! hahaha. While Danki for Kompi B was Atang, so weird to hear him yelling, and for Kompi A was Rama. :3
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Girl's barak |
After that we went straight to Barak, a place where we would stay this 8 days. Ah ya, the girls were united in one barak in the second floor while the boys in the 3rd and 4th floor. Oh the art of bathing together ! At first we took a bath one by one..but later, due to the lack of time..let say, we're having a very awkward moment every bathing time. huhu
As you see, we slept on velbed. And i slept next to Vida, Yasmin, Ami and Valent. So nice to get to know those crazy girl. Hahaha And i really thank God for putting me in this event along with Uma, Titik and Ratih. Only them who know how to woke me up. hahaha
The next challenge was...eating. Of the whole event of this Capacity Building, only one that really torture me..eating time.
Before eating they want us to be perfectly lined. Then Sikap Duduk and Duduk Siap, after it..there will be some moment they used for tempting us. From having Reza to command in Chinese language, from having gombal-gombalan time by Aldy Wijaya, anything. Got to able to told the grin or smile. hehe
Then...the food came. We have to eat it all in the time they set. And it was super fast ! Around 3-5 minutes. If someone couldn't finished eating, the person next to he/she will be yelled at. So everytime we ate, we help each other so no one punished. But still..some of us couldn't make it (-including me, on the last day,,my teeth was so aching. The last teeth was on the way. so i could eat fast huhu). Mostly, they will be punished with eating in front of us, or eating in standing position and being yelled of course.
On the first day, some of the girls were crying because they cant help the tension. But in the end, all of us enjoyed every moment of it. No more crying. So proud. hehehe
Oh, I still can hear the instructor yelled "Jangan Bongkok, Siswa!" , "Makanan yang cari mulut !", "Dorong pakai air !" hahaha
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suap-suapan |
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this what happen when we didn't finished eating on time |
The next day after it we're trained in full time schedule. We woke up before 4 o'clock, Apel Pagi, and had a breakfast. Hahaha, on my second day, i woke up and i instantly did salat. A moment after i hear adzan. It turn out that it wasn't subuh yet and people were doing Tahajud, not salat subuh. Hahaha
On Apel Pagi, Adit always command me to be a Penjuru so the other would follow to make a line. Uma said, when i was running alone, i looked like huhu so ashamed~ But i miss those moment so much til i text Adit the day after Capacity Building finished that i miss being called as a Penjuru. haha
Okay, after it, our schedule were so various. From PBB (Pelatihan Baris-Berbaris), GPS Class, Leadership Class, Anti Corruption Class, Siraman Rohani, Making Yel-Yel and many more. On the second day we got the tour around this area. This Makopasus is so huge ! We sang all the way to prevent us being tired. Thats when i knew that Bea Cukai student was so used to thing kind of thing. Pras and Adit often sang something that only the both of the them who knew.
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When Epin command us |
The indoor class was so.......*hands up*
We're lack of sleep and hearing people talk really felt like a lullaby (-except Leadership class by Pelatih Dani. He was so amazing and charismatic, i felt no sleepy at all !). But we must not sleep, the instructor were so ready to punished us if we did. Thats why i was making an origami and teach Double Pras, Adit, Arga and some other to made it too. I also played Guessing Word with them. Such a help. :)
But outdoor event was so amazing.
For you who know me, you must be know that im not an outdoor person. But even sunlight and rain cant stop me to did the outdoor event this time. Im so tired but fully enjoyed the moment spent with friends there. We sang, exercising together in PBB, competing in the PBB Competition, Making yel-yel. Oh, i'd love to repeat it all as long as all of my friend are there too.
Though the Kompi C girls was lose in PBB Competition, we still happy that the boys made it into the first winner. And we took revenge in the games, almost every game is won by us ! hihi
And the Yel. Hahaha
This might be the most personal competition ever. At first kompi c didn't participate much on Yel-yel fight. But after we got so attacked and ashamed because we got nothing great, we made our own yel. Helped by the instructor we made a ear-catching and funny movement yel. Hahaha
Our Yel consist of Chinese greeting, Kecak dance, Army clapping, Coca-cola advertisement's song, and Oppa Gangnam Style. Hahahaha
A big thanks i deliver to Lutfil, Ave, Rudi, and the other for this super memorable yel.
Our Yel consist of Chinese greeting, Kecak dance, Army clapping, Coca-cola advertisement's song, and Oppa Gangnam Style. Hahahaha
A big thanks i deliver to Lutfil, Ave, Rudi, and the other for this super memorable yel.
Kompi C Jaya.
Ini Langkahku
Untuk Bangsaku
Untuk Negeri ini
Tumbah darahku
Sudah kubilang jangan melawan Kompi C
Nanti kau akan merasakan akibatnya
Lebih baik diam dibarak saja
Duduk manis atau kau tidur saja
Siapa suruh melawan Kompi C
Kami datang, kami serang dan kami menang
Kompi Charlie, Kompi Charlie jadi juara
Kompi Alfa, Kompi Bravo bertekuk lutut !
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Someone's birthday |
Oh how could i forget to tell you about the Instructor. We were trained by a very well trained and well experienced army. They were so firm, dicipline, dedication to their wok, patriotic and they really care to us. I remember how pelatih Linda came to our barak and talk to us when one of us had a problem, i remember how Pelatih Rosidah care even to our digestive problem- she gave us papaya, i remember how Pelatih Roxy and Sokip encourage us to gave our best, i remember how Papa Johnson's radar "Badan saya bergetar kl ada yg tidak benar" everytime we excercise and his international achievement, I remember Pelatih Steve, the handsome intructor who's offered a high position in Timor-timor but chose to stay in Indonesia, I remember Pelatih Putu's beauty and the sky diving she did. Im so thankful for having a chance to get to know them. So inspiring.
On our last night, the Instructor made a very nice farewell..Dangdutan ! hahaha
Actually before that, we.. the girls from kompi c, presented something for the instructor. Its a poet and a song as our way to thank them. After that, Windia rock the night. She's a very talented singer and so does Efwin. Such a crazy crazy night. We sang and dance together, Efwin and gank even made a 'periksa kerapihan dance' hahaha. The Instructor elso taught us how to dance like an army ! Its similiar to Poco-poco, by the way. hihihi
It was late, i thought its already time for bed. But i was wrong. We went to our building and had a lil chit chat with the Instructor and took some photos. After that, the Instructor lead us to the Helipad !!
I thought they will head us to bed, but they command us to keep walking and there we were. On the top of this Makopassus. A forbidden place actually, because its dangerous and mystical but since we're there with the Instructor then i guess it was safe enough. We were so lucky because only Kompi C who could experience the rooftop like this.
Its the idea of Pelatih Roxy along with Pelatih Sokip and other instructor. They event brought some food. So let say..we had a rooftop party that night. Too bad Jakarta's night didn't allow us to enjoy the stars. But the view up there was sooooooooooo amazingly beautiful !
And there we were. Lying together watched the sky. Made a promise that we will stay close, we will be the first to help each other, we will keep this bound of friendship til the end no matter happen. For them, for us and for Indonesia. Ugh the Instructor succeed making me cry that night.
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Me and Rizka |
On the next day we went straight to the Nanggala Building after breakfast. After the official ceremony finished, we stayed there and did our last yel-yel before we went to our college. After that..time for another shoot ! hehehe
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Pleton 1 Kompi C |
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Me and Pras, the Danki |
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muehehe :3 |
And time to show off !
When we arrived in our college, we did another ceremony and after that..we show our yel-yel to the third part-er. Hahaha I was doing my very best for our last yel-yel. Hehehe, here are some picture taken that time..
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Yihaaaa..yihaaa,,yiiiiiiiiiiHA !! |
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Kompi C !!! |
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Sikap Trekjing |
So it was officially finished. I was tanned, tired but extremely happy and sad in the same time. I happy because i met so many new friend, i got so many experince. But i was sad because..those day are gone. I wish it could be a lil longer. :')
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the great Instructor |
Ah, so many thing i could recall from that moment. I remember how me, Uma, Ratih and Titik try to sit as close as we can and help each other, i remember when me and Milki feed each other, i remember how the instructor tempted me by calling me Rahasia, i remember how i need painkiller everything i finished eating, i remember how the instructor got me seeing Windia's bloody wound when they knew i hate blood, i remember how Adit oftenly mistaken for saying 'hadap kiri' or 'hadap kanan', i remember how naughty joke with Ami and Yasmin, i remember the boys that helping me with the food or the bag, i remember everything.
A good memories stay and not easily forgotten, right?
So thank you STAN for making this event, thank you Kopassus for the lesson about discipline, togetherness and patritic, thank you Gelombang 2, thank you Kompi A, B, and C. Thank you everyone. I really am cant move on from this. hehe :')
A good memories stay and not easily forgotten, right?
So thank you STAN for making this event, thank you Kopassus for the lesson about discipline, togetherness and patritic, thank you Gelombang 2, thank you Kompi A, B, and C. Thank you everyone. I really am cant move on from this. hehe :')
Picture taken by Panitia Capacity Building STAN 2012, Dedek and Ardit.