Mudik by Train !

12:38:00 PM

 June, 7th 2019

Nan, since you're already 3 years old, now you have to sit on yourself in the train. It's quite challenging because now that you're bigger you also love to move around. To prevent you from boredom, we asked you to bring your own toy, book and stuff in your own suitcase. So funny to saw you packing !

We went to Bandung the night before and sleep in the hotel next to the station. Your father, the mastermind, didn't want to take any risk of us getting late. Its good by the way, because we had time to buy Hokben. hehe

Thank God you're so busy with your stuff, eating, watching the view from the window. You loved it so much you kept on babling until finally fell a sleep. And voila...we're safely arrived at Jogjakarta ! Alhamdulillah.

Mudik went so smooth. Thank you for your cooperation Nan !

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