Happy Birthday Mom !

10:07:00 AM

Sepanjang Januari-Mei ada banyak sekali perayaan. Di bulan Maret ada dua malah ! Ulang tahun Mas Ardy dan ulang taun ini hihihi Jadi tau kan mau cerita apa hari ini  :P

Karena Ibu sering ngomel kalau kita beli kue gede-gede, kali ini saya beliin cupcakes aja. Ini pesen di Le cupcakes. Lucu banget deh gemes ! Ini punya adeknya Ariel, heran deh kenapa itu sekeluarga pada jago masak jago bebikinan T___T

Happy Birthday ya Mbu,
I thank you so much for being my mom, for choosing Mpah as your husband and becoming my dad, for raising me this way, for you for the sibling that complete me, for the house that is not perfect but homey and for being such a good grandma for Keenan.

Thank you for being you, i wish you happiness in this life and after life. Love you !

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