Kedai Kita

12:49:00 PM

2012, May 21th

Today i meet my beautiful lecturer, Bu Widi. She my guidance lecture for this so called final task. Since she lives in Bogor, me and my groupies went there in order to met her. Oh yaa, the group consist of me, Ketut, Pius, Richardo and Laura. The good part is...we met at Kedai Kita and she gave us a free yet delicious lunch! Yihaaaa

Kedai Kita - Bogor

Its near Terminal Baranangsiang, using taxi we only paid Rp10.000,00. And the place is awesome, my kind of type. Comfy, homey, lots of wood :D

Bu Widi was with her friend, after salam and introduction (Its our first group meeting by the way), she told us to had lunch first, after that one by one will be consulting their title with her. I was so nervous, i had six title that i prepared nights before..i just wish one of them good enough to get her approval. Fuuuh ~

Blame my nervous and my shameless, i ate a lot today. Here's the picture that WE ate. We..okay? Guess im not the only who need lots of food today :P

Mie Sapi Lada Hitam

Strawberry Juice

Nasi Sapi Lada Hitam

Pizza Smoked Beef BBQ 

As we saw on the tagline, the specialty of this place is the Mie Hot Plate and Pizza Kayu Bakar. So we order that specialty. And it taste good. The Pizza had my heart, super yummy >_<

For that we (its bu Widi actually) had to pay Rp 24.000,00 for Mie Sapi Lada Hitam, Rp17.000,00 for the strawberry juice and Rp 58.000,00 for the pizza. 

Its in Bogor, remember? The combination of eating a lot, comfy place and the cool weather will probably cause us feel sleepy, if only we're not in time for consulting. But Alhamdulillah, my consulting went very well and she approved my first title. Such a quick consulting, and i confused whether my title and explanation was really that good, or i understand nothing so both Bu Widi and me didn't question much. Haaa -___-

This place also provide coffee. I asked the waitress whether i could bought the coffee beans or not and she said yes so i brought an Ounce. There's some type of coffee, as you see above, Toraja, Medan, Jawa, etc. I choose House Mix which is the mix of several type.

Such a good place :)

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