The Wedding of Ayu and Erik

4:31:00 PM

June, 2nd 2013

That day is the wedding day for our client, Ayu and Erik. After the prewedding and siraman, that day..they are ready to made their relationship official and halal. The wedding took place at Gedung Korpri, Jalan Pelabuhan 2 Sukabumi. 

I went there after subuh to documented the make up process. So sleepy~

From the bride house, we went to the building venue to prepare things. Since the lighting was different its kind a puzzling to make it work as we needed. But Alhamdulillah, everything went well. 

This wedding used a Sundanese culture. As always, the groom will be welcomed by the bride family with a dance, lengser and jasmine. That is how we appreciate and respect the groom and family. After the lots of seserahan given, its the time for...ijab kabul. 

Capturing ijab kabul always trigger my tears. Its a huge promised to God, Its when a father handed their daughter to man she chooses.  Its when a daughter became a wife. And sungkeman.....woah. its when a bride need a waterproof make up

Now, its time for Ngeyeuk seureuh ceremony. hahaha~

Always..always bring some laugh. Anyway, after that..its time for the bride and groom to celebrate it with their belove. For us it means..time for more shooting !

As you see above, the groom loved to made a weird slash unformal pose. hahaha

me and Igit

Anyway, its all taken and edited by me. The official picture will be uploaded in Dua5 Photography as always.

Happy wedding for Teh Ayu and A Erik. Sakinah Mawaddah and Warahmah yaaa :)

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